Title: Losing Me
Series: Finders Series
Author: Ivy Love
Publication Date: March 27th, 2015
Isabella is struggling to keep afloat in her marriage. She's doing everything she can to make it work, but it never seems to be enough. She has a quiet strength lingering beneath the surface, she just needs someone to release it. Isabella's best friend Liz, is wild, happy and carefree. She's suffered in the past and now she's looking out for her. She's finally getting to a place where she feels comfortable with herself again. Now she just needs to embrace it and stay there. Two best friends who support each other until the very end. Will they make it through with their hearts in tact? Or will life as they know it forever change. Don't miss out on Losing Me, book 0.5 in the Finders Series.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me and check out who I am. I’ve never been really good at these things but here we go! When I was in grade school, I was your classic nerd. I spent more time reading books “above my grade level” and getting lost in them, than paying attention to the people around me. I loved the journey each book
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